Gain Visibility and Control of your Subscriptions, Contracts & Assets

Dalos offers you the power to gain unparalleled insight into your maintenance contracts, software subscriptions and more – all from one comprehensive platform. Streamline your operations so that your organization can take command of its assets with ease!

Unifying Your Assets Into A Single Platform

The Dalos platform provides visibility and insight into your assets, subscriptions and contracts. Everything you need to track and monitor your assets on one dashboard.

Who We Serve

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Maximize ROI on existing on-premise
applications and IT assets with powerful
intelligence data. Unify and simplify asset
management onto a single platform.

Track and monitor thousands of assets across all your locations

Know the health, status, location, EOL, EOSL and more of each asset

Eliminate the manual, administrative tasks of finding and assessing your assets

Communicate with on-site IT personnel to execute software updates, conduct routine maintenance, or switch out expired assets

Predict and plan for asset expirations and replacement costs with accurate data

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Resellers / MSPs

Increase quote-to-cash and grow your
renewal revenue through instantaneous
quote automation, contract management
and collaboration tools.

Eliminate multiple spreadsheets and siloed systems to organize, manage and send your quotes and contracts

Increase your service attach and renewal rates by knowing the status of upcoming contract expirations

Find targeted opportunities to upsell clients

Shaking hands over a sales deal

Drive sales through efficient quote automation, calendar reminders, and notifications

Facilitate collaboration with your team and live chat with your clients

Our Products

Keeping track of IT assets and subscriptions is complex. Dalos gives you the tools to leverage your assets for a wide variety of use cases and make IT management simpler than ever.

Subscription and Asset Management

For any size company wanting to accurately track their IT assets, subscriptions and maintenance contracts.


For any size company wanting to accurately monitor technology devices on their network.    

Service and Subscription Contract Renewal Automation

For technology Resellers & Systems Integrators whose clients have a minimum of 10,000 assets or software licenses under maintenance contract.

A Full-Featured Platform That Enables Your Organization To Unify and Simplify Asset Management Like Never Before

Our powerful features and intuitive dashboards enable accurate asset tracking and visibility, cost-saving opportunities, and seamless
systems integration.

Dalos Platform Dashboard
Dalos Features for Resellers, System Integrators & MSPs

Additional Features Made Specifically For Resellers, Systems Integrators & MSPs

Leverage all of Dalos’ powerful features, plus additional ones explicitly built for increasing quote-to-cash and service attach rates.

Hear What Our Clients Have To Say

Start Gaining Visibility & Control Using Our Most Helpful Content

I'm Ready To Accurately Track My Assets

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